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Het aanbod van apps is echt top en hoe ze eruitzien ook. Spijtig genoeg maak ik de apps niet vaak...Lees verder

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Needed help saving a corrupt e
Needed help saving a corrupt word doc saved on a Mac and was like using a chocolate spade - patheticLees verder
Oliver Patrick

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Absolutely love Setapp
Absolutely love Setapp. The apps it includes are really nice, and the setapp program itself is re...Lees verder

Reviews (130)






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    I crunched the numbers and it was a no-brainer

    I pondered for ages about subscribing to SetApp. I already had some licensed apps that are included with SetApp. Why pay twice, I thought. Then some of my existing apps needed pricey upgrades. To help me decide, I listed the pricing for individual apps offered by SetApp – currently 180+. It's impossible to arrive at an accurate overall cost due to variables such as monthly, annual or lifetime pricing structures, discounts on upgrades versus full price, the currency used, rates of exchange etc. However, I estimate that purchasing all current apps individually would cost roughly $4500 or £3600. When I added up the upgrade costs of my existing software, plus the cost of apps on my wishlist, it would have been nearly $830 or £740. The annual SetApp fee is a snip, which ever way I worked the numbers. An absolute no-brainer. Plus it gives access to apps that one might deem unnecessary as individual purchases. The pros of using SetApp are well documented. From my perspective as a freelance designer, I can recommend the following apps in particular: BetterTouchTool, Coherence Pro, DiskDrillPro, GetBackupPro, Pagico, SideNotes, Sip, Ulysses ...and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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    A must have subscription for your Mac

    First of all, everything works flawlessly. The subscription, the resident SetApp app to help you browse all the software that is a part of the subscription and the easy way to simply install what you want and immediately start using it. I've been a SetApp customer for a few years now and joined initially when they were new and had a very small amount of apps in their subscription but the value was fantastic. I was already paying for apps like CleanMyMac, Shimo and SQLPro Studio and now I'm saving a ton of money by using the apps in the subscription for a single easy price. What I love about SetApp is that they also curate these apps. They prune old apps that are no longer maintained or if there are support issues, they bring on new apps suggested by subscribers. In my short time, I've seen the size of available apps triple in the life of my subscription. I love these guys, love the products and they have good support and community on their facebook group.

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    Very convenient to have all apps within…

    Very convenient to have all apps within one platform to explore and manage. Some apps are not the best available. But there are a number that are now essential to my efficient workflow. The cost is affordable and accessible. It's easy to use and quickly find different apps you may want to use by using search terms. I do really like that I don't have to hunt through the massive App Store. This app has been a good resource to try out a bunch of apps I may not have found in the App Store. Sometimes, you don't have time to search 100s of apps when you're looking for one specific thing. I'd say I've liked 7/10 apps by average that Setapp has curated into their listing. Con: I do wish that on each app product page that the images could be zoomed in more than one level of zoom when the image is clicked on. I find some of the images to be too small to really see the text even after I've full-screened the app window. Thank you!

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    More than a subscription service, Setapp is like your surgical assistant, before you ask for the scalpel….

    I have been paying for Setapps service now for just less than a year and have it installed on two large devices and have yet to put it on my phone, thats coming though. So what everyone knows is you pay a monthly sub and you get access to over 150 apps. Thats the basics. More than a subscription service, Setapp is like your surgical assistant, before you ask for the scalpel, its in his hands passing it to you. There are some real gems with the bundle, and if I was to name them and missed one, I doubt they would be too happy, so I wont, in place I shall probably take the time to write about each one here. Once you start with Setapp, you have joined up to a community. They have a great customer service, fantastic wit, and we know what we mean. You can always get hold them and they are always bringing new stock on board. Funny YouTube ads too.

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    Het aanbod van apps is echt top en hoe ze eruitzien ook. Spijtig genoeg maak ik de apps niet vaak genoeg gebruik, aangezien ik op het werk met een andere computer werk. Dat betekent dat ik niet genoeg tijd heb om te wennen aan productiviteits-apps. Vroeger was dat anders toen ik zelfstandige van thuis uit was.

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    Uitgebreide app-bibliotheek voor redelijke maandelijkse prijs

    Een volledige bibliotheek aan apps is beschikbaar voor een maandelijkse of jaarlijkse betaling. Ik gebruik het al een paar jaar en ben echt blij met dit idee. Updates worden regelmatig gratis aangeboden en er worden regelmatig nieuwe apps aan de bibliotheek toegevoegd. Ik vind het geweldig!

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    Setapp is by far the very best application...

    Setapp is the best application available. It’s so easy to use and has literally hundreds of different apps included. I thought that was the best part of it. However, I’ve found that the support is phenomenal. The company itself has integrity and actually cares about its customers. Recently I’ve contacted them for a little assistance and they over-achieved. This is one company who actually under-promises and OVER-DELIVERS! If there are any reviews saying otherwise, I would find them very hard to believe. Trust me, this will be the most useful and best app you buy. It’s truly one you won’t want to live without. Thank you #SetApp for being a truly amazing company and actually caring about your customers. The new apps you keep adding are fantastic.

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    I have found Setapp enormously useful

    I have found Setapp enormously useful. I need an app that will perform some special task. I look in Setapp, and 90% of the time there is a relevant app right there--and it saves me from downloading and testing apps to see which works and which doesn't, because the Setapp folk have already done the homework. What do I use? Ulysses, Marked and Marsedit for notes and blog posts, Downie for quick downloads of media files and Permute to convert them, Noizio for pleasant background while working, Paste for multiple copy-and-pastes, Dropsone for shifting files between folders, Bartender to make menu icons appear and disappear, CleanMyMac to do what its name says, Numi for calculations, and a few other apps as I need them. Altogether excellent.

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    One Stop Shop for your Mac Apps Need

    I have been a member from the moment I have known about Setapp. Most of the apps are useful and needed for my daily productivity and i have used it quite a lot over other apps in the Mac App Store ecosystem. Their design of the App store was recently followed suit by the Mac App store during their recent update. The quality of the apps are good and it's an overall value for the money that you spend on buying individual apps from different providers out of the setapp ecosystem One thing I hate in Setapp is some of the apps moving out of the ecosystem and introducing new app for replacing the older one and need to learn that particular app all over again.

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    Une très bonne collection d'apps à un prix tout aussi intéressant !

    Beaucoup de must have comme les apps du même éditeur rentabilisent à elles seules le prix de l'abonnement. On regrettera tout de même la qualité de certaines apps qui laisse à désirer ainsi que la cadence d'ajout qui a pas mal ralenti ces derniers temps. C'est également dommage que certains retours faits sur l'application Setapp en elle-même ainsi que sur CleanMyMac X n'aient pas été pris en compte... Je ne supporte pas le fait que ces applications ne conservent pas leur position à la réouverture. Malgré tout, je suis client depuis près de 4 ans à l'heure où j'écris ces lignes et je ne compte pas les économies déjà faites. Je ne peux que recommander !

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    Needed help saving a corrupt excel file…

    Needed help saving a corrupt word doc saved on a Mac and was like using a chocolate spade - pathetic

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    abonnement voor apps

    Ik was echt aangenaam verrast door de apps die je kan vinden. Echt een goede verzameling en waar voor je geld. Een abonnement maakt het wel gemakkelijker om bij te houden hoeveel je de apps effectief gebruikt in vergelijking met een eenmalige aankoop. Jammer genoeg werkt het alleen op Mac en iOS, en ikzelf heb een Android-telefoon.

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    Servizio clienti inesistente

    Saranno anche valide le applicazioni proposte. ma il servizio clienti è completamente inesistente. Per me è un punto fondamentale nella valutazione della serietà di un’azienda. Purtroppo siamo sotto zero da questo punto di vista.

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    Comment dire, j'ai voulu essayer setapp et j'ai donc pris un abonnement avec sept jours d'essai gratuit, mais au bout de quatre jours, j'étais débité pour le moi, donc j'ai demandé des réponses et un remboursement et là pas de réponses, donc pour moi setapp égale arnaque point.

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    Setapp abonnement

    Ik had Setapp eerst twee sterren gegeven vanwege hun verandering in het gedrag van Command Q. Maar ze hebben het goedgemaakt en hun fout toegegeven. Niet veel bedrijven zouden hetzelfde doen, Apple zeker niet. Bravo! Ik gebruik Setapp al een tijdje en ben er echt tevreden over.

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    Herstelprogramma voor bestanden

    Ik heb besloten om een ​​programma voor het herstellen van bestanden te downloaden in de hoop mijn bestanden terug te krijgen van een externe harde schijf die plotseling defect was. Gelukkig heeft het programma me geholpen om mijn bestanden terug te vinden en ze op te slaan op een nieuwe externe harde schijf en mijn desktop. Maar toen ik de gratis proefperiode niet verlengde, kon ik de herstelde bestanden niet meer zien. Dus uiteindelijk heb ik me geabonneerd. Op mijn leeftijd van 78 jaar ben ik niet zo technologisch als ik zou willen, maar ik had het gevoel dat dit de enige manier was om bij mijn bestanden te komen. Helaas waren de bestanden in een vreemd formaat en heb ik ze sindsdien zelden geprobeerd te openen.

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    App-abonnement service

    Setapp heeft echt een geweldige selectie apps. Ik bedoel, als je op zoek bent naar een schrijfapp, is Ulysses echt een topper, hoor! En als je een kleurkiezer nodig hebt, moet je gewoon voor Sip gaan. PDF's vaak compressen? Snel PDF Squeezer downloaden! Gewoon even zoeken in de app en op de "krijgen" knop klikken. En voor die lage maandelijkse of jaarlijkse prijs is Setapp gewoon een no-brainer. Echt, ik kan het met 100% zekerheid aanbevelen.

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    Nuttig apps, prijs waard

    Setapp biedt een indrukwekkend assortiment apps voor een eerlijke prijs. Veel van de must-have apps zijn echt de moeite waard en rechtvaardigen het abonnementsgeld op hun eigen. Echter, er zijn ook enkele apps van mindere kwaliteit die teleurstellend zijn en de snelheid waarmee nieuwe apps worden toegevoegd is verminderd in het recente verleden. Het is spijtig dat sommige feedback over Setapp en bepaalde apps niet serieus wordt genomen. Ik vind het jammer dat sommige applicaties hun positie niet behouden bij het opnieuw openen.

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    Trying to cancel free trial

    I signed up for the free trial to gain access to a specific app. I did access but it didn't achieve my goal, so I went to cancel my subscription ( which it told me originally it was really easy to do) but then my logins didn't seem to be working. I was concerned by some of the low reviews on this site that I wouldn't get an answer, but I did get an answer within 30 mins which indicated that I had used a different email address. Problem solved and the cancel button was very easy to find. Thanks

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